

Chinese translation is becoming an important service most used in all aspects of social activities (projects, projects in industrial park, socio-economic-political, life science, finance, banking, certified translation, etc.). As a result, a diverse translation service addresses were born in market. In spite of many choices, not any providers can ensure...
What will we bring to the business?
  • Standard translation is fast and on time
  • Ensure accurate time and competitive cost
  • Absolutely confidential information for customers

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    Chinese translation is becoming an important service most used in all aspects of social activities (projects, projects in industrial park, socio-economic-political, life science, finance, banking, certified translation, etc.). As a result, a diverse translation service addresses were born in market. In spite of many choices, not any providers can ensure the prestige.

    dịch thuật công chứng tại tphcm

    Thus, please not ignore following references. You will certainly make appropriate cooperation decision quickly for your need.

    Why to choose a prestigious address for Chinese translation

    At present, the world recognized the outstanding development of China's economy. Thus, Chinese is becoming a popular language in almost fields.

    Dich Thuat Tai Hai Duong O Dau Uy Tin

    In Vietnam, the process of economic investment, commercial cooperation with China is powerfully taking place. As a result, the needs for Chinese translation service is non stop increasing over time.

    The demand for Chinese translation must be met by a professional service provider

    In spite of popularity, Chinese is a difficult language in term of writing with ideographic characters and polysematic. This poses an issue requiring translators to have a high level of expertise, working through a methodical process.

    If a translator is lack of experience, he/she easily has some errors such as semantics and style. In particular, meaning deviation which seriously affects the translation.


    Besides, trusting in a prestigious translation unit also secure the security, schedule, price policy. Especially, you will be satisfied with commitment on liability in case of any omissions during work.

    The best address for Chinese translation service

    You are looking for a Chinese translation company who can satisfy the most demanding expectation. Yet, you still worry that there are too many service providers now. Don’t worry, VIETNAM TOURISM AND TRAINING - TRANSLATION CONSULTANCY JOINT STOCK COMPANY will be the best choice for you.

    HACO Translation - A specialized unit of Chinese translation

    The fact that HACO Translation can successfully affirm its position over other units. And, it gains trust of majority of customers is thanks to its important advantages.

    Commitment to quality translation!

    The team of translators of rich in professional knowledge and experience, each will be specialized in the field that he/she is good at. The translation is ensured true to the source and the accuracy.

    Reasonable expense!

    HACO translation will directly deploy the translation service for customers without any intermediate section. Thus, the cost is optimized and no any additions at all.

    Complete confidentiality!

    Personal information of customers and translation documents are stored in a separate server. No disclosure is permitted without relevant consent. If a customer finds a third party knows information from media tools of HACO, he/she may request satisfactory settlement service.

    Delivery of the translation under schedule!

    According to initial agreement in the translation contract (Chinese translation), we always delivery of the translation under schedule, For urgent case, the Unit mobilize maximum resources to meet your demand without change in the quality of translation.

    Customers would be satisfied with the benefits from our Chinese translation service

    Chinese translation process!

    Methodical work process is one important reason for the success of HACO Translation. Chinese translation in our unit is implemented according to following steps:

    Documents analysis:

    When source documents are received from customer, they will be analyzed by aproject manager. The term base will be made, based on request of customers to select appropriate translators who have to ensure the translation progress. This analysis step will ensure accuracy for the translation.

    Set up the work plan

    The project management will allocate task for reliable translators. The translators shall complete their tasks with their skills and qualification.

    Carry out translation

    Team leader of the translators will make consistent for the term base. Then all assigned translators will carry out translation based on the term base.

    Edit the translation

    When the translation is completed, it will be passed to the editors department. In this stage, the translation will be edited, proof read. The quality of the translation is ensured.


    The Team leader will pass the edited translation to the project manager for formatting, representation if necessary before passing the final product to the Customer Service Manager to deliver to customers.

    Delivery of the translation

    When the translation has been checked carefully, the unit will deliver it to customers.

    Edit upon request of customer

    Customers receiving the translation have need to modify or detect any error may request us to promptly edit or revise.

    Chinese translation is deployed according to the above process with methodical steps.

    So, after referring our shared information, you will decide which is prestigious Chinese translation address.

    For further information, please visit https://dichthuathaco.com.vn/.

    Or call hotline: 0983 820 520 we will answer in a short time.

    Address: No.: 2 - Alley 68 Nguy Nhu Kon Tum Street - Nhan Chinh Ward - Thanh Xuan District - Hanoi

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